A blog about my adventures, wherever I may be.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Welcoming you to Madolenihmw

As of November 12, 2012, I have been an official Peace Corps Volunteer for two years.  I have grown both personally and professionally over this span of time – at least that is what I like to think!  I had one piece of unfinished business that led to my extension here on Pohnpei, and fortunately that is progressing quite smoothly.  My local counterpart is well on her way to making the MHS library her own.
MHS librarian-in-training
My seniors have been busy analyzing Island of the Blue Dolphins and Call It Courage while my juniors have been learning the art of essay writing and debating.  Aside from grading and lesson planning (per norm), I have been working on grad school applications (which are due way too soon), devouring books (I can never get enough), and hanging out with my host family (drinking sakau and dancing, two very Pohnpeian pastimes).
Celebrating the start of my 25th year of existence – I have had three birthdays here on Pohnpei.
My third meeting with Mr. Obama – I also (really) met the new ambassador to the F.S.M.
MHS Welcome Party – nothing like a cafeteria crammed to the brim with students to make you feel welcome
Waterfall at Section IV
Nett Point with Sokehs Rock looming in the background
Governor of Pohnpei, John Ehsa
You’ve earned your retirement, Principal
Trip to Nan Madol with our Desk Officer
Pohnpei’s future leaders in the field of medical laboratory science
Finish it party at Nahlap
My village’s kamadipw en kousap, this year hosted by my family
In less than a month I will be off to visit the last M77, Becky, in Chuuk and then return home for the holidays.  Looking forward to seeing another state in the F.S.M. and catching up with family and friends!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Saying goodbye

M77 Team Pohnpei – you will be dearly missed, not just by me but by all of the lives you have influenced over your two years here.  I am so fortunate to have been with you for my own Peace Corps service – I could not have imagined it any other way.  I wish you the best in whatever the future holds for you.
Natalya and Erin – thanks for the memories that will always bring a smile to my face.
Molly and Cori Jo – my girls.  I can’t wait to meet up in the “real world”!
Jerich – my brother, for all intensive Pohnpeian purposes.
Happy Thanksgiving!  To all of my family and friends - without your support, I never would have been able to complete two years of Peace Corps service and stick it out for another half year.  Lots of love!

Walking around the island

I had the opportunity to walk around the island with two M78s, Ben and Nick, over a three-day weekend in October.  Nothing like 50 miles to motivate a person, huh?  Pohnpei has one main road that encircles the entire island – beforehand I calculated plausible walking distances based on places where we could spend the night.

First leg (approximately 14 miles) – Nett, Sokehs, and Kitti

The boys and I started off strong with a hearty breakfast and enthusiasm to get over many, many hills.  I had the bright idea of doing this walk Pohnpeian style (in a skirt and using flip-flops), which I quickly realized was a HUGE mistake.  We ended up not walking the entire way – I very much overestimated the distance – so we got a free ride via flatbed to our destination for the night.
The beginning
Welcome welcome!
Pit stop at Mia's host family
Return to my training school
Second leg (approximately 14 miles as well) – Kitti and Madolenihmw

We successfully completed this leg, I am proud to say.  I felt very comfortable in my own neck of the woods and served as tour guide for the guys.  My host family provided us with a very filling lunch that gave us the fuel to make it to our night’s destination.  I also switched to socks and gym shoes that allowed me to continue walking, but the flip-flops had already done their damage – my blisters were HUGE!

Much gratitude to JVI Sam and her awesome host family for letting us spend the night
Welcome from the other side of Madolenihmw
I know my host family already thinks I’m crazy, but they still indulge me

Mormon church
Danger danger!
Last leg (approximately 2 miles) – Madolenihmw and U

Setting out after a leisurely breakfast, I was mentally ready to walk the final distance but my feet were definitely not cooperating.  After crossing municipality lines (just so I could say that I have walked to each of the five municipalities) the boys and I got a taxi back to our point of origin, the Peace Corps office.  Even though we only walked 60% of the island I felt quite accomplished and satisfied with what we did do.

Check out my expression – no amount of hospitality (thank you Joyce and host family) could relieve the pain of my blisters.
I spent the next week or two making sure my self-inflicted wounds did not get infected and waddling around like a duck – which amused my students, of course.  Lesson learned!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

CoS-ing in Guam

It’s the beginning of the end at MHS.  For my final fall semester I am teaching a senior reading class, a senior writing class, and a junior language arts class.  I am also the Language Arts Department Chairperson (I have an official ID and everything).  Most important, however, is that there is a NEW LIBRARIAN YAY at my school.  I will train her in library management skills (the main reason why I extended my service) so I can leave the MHS library in good hands.

Right at this very moment I am in Guam with the remaining M77’s (18 out of 31 survived until the very end) for our Close of Service conference.  We have been discussing paperwork (thank you government agency), our diverse experiences, and how to reintegrate into the real world.  Thankfully I don’t have to think about all this for now but in about seven months I’ll be frantically trying to recall strategies for readjustment!  I’ll let you know how that goes.  I also used some of my dwindling vacation days to explore Guam with my fellow li en Pohnpei.
Iced chai
Two Lovers Point
Quite the drop

Caribou ride
Peace Corps Volunteers?
FUNNEL CAKE at Chamorro Village
Beautiful views
Love & peace GUAM STYLE
M77 Team Pohnpei!!!

Getting lost KOREAN STYLE

A little background - Fall 2009 I studied abroad in Seoul, South Korea (here).  I wanted to return at some point in my life to revisit my old haunts and reconnect with friends.  It just so happened that I had plenty Peace Corps vacation days and was in the right part of the world to hop on a plane (or seven) to Korea.  I ate LOTS of delicious Korean food, hung out with my buddies at a million coffee shops (this may be a slight exaggeration), and even went to the Expo 2012 in Yeosu.  I used my friend’s camera for the duration of this trip, in case you were wondering (kalahngan Jerich!!!).
My favorite boy band, albeit half of it
I can now say that I have been to a world’s fair
Consulting a map.  Navigation is definitely NOT my strong point.  I got my companions lost more times than I care to remember, but Jess (with her skillz) managed to find a way.  Film photo courtesy of Jerich.
My second meeting with Mr. Obama.  The first was (real) when he was a senator for Illinois.
Jaerin, my language exchange partner and awesome friend
Sejong the Great, creator of hangul
Love these girls
Kimchi museum
No visit to Seoul is complete without noraebang
Yonsei represent!